I had the most wonderful feeling as I left the patch today. It almost leaped out of me and danced down the path in front of me. Green patch is starting to look like a proper allotment. Why the glee? Several areas are now dug. This is the most advanced I have been at this point in the year ever.
I have even built a little bonfire ready for when it is dry. Could be a celebratory fire or is that a little pagan.
Now just one more weekend where I can work on the patch before true winter sets in, plus a chance to get some broad beans into the ground. I'll definitely be satisfied. Then I'll be ready to retreat to the cosy planning of next year.
This time of year can be a little dull to blog about.
Every year since I have had the allotment I have wished that I had done more autumn digging as I have lost time trying to dig heavy cold frozen soil in the late winter/early spring. At the moment I can have more hope in my heart that this is the year when that happens.
On Sunday I dug a large area over it took about two hours despite the ground being soft and light at the moment.
John promises me he will dig an area for me at the weekend it's been undercover and never been dug so just turning it to let the frost in to break it up would be enough.
If I am over my cold I plan to hoe around the field beans (my green manure for the winter - 'not a weed suppressant' I think looking at it). Also might clear the sweetcorn and peas on the main bed I'm wondering if I should get some manure down too on this bed where I can.