I can hold off no longer, I just have to start sowing. Indoors of course. The window sill is about to be put back into use (still a little too early to get the grow house up and running, wait till next month I keep reminding myself). I have some sweet peas in big pots hoping to kick them off for a good early display.
Owen helped me to sow some tomatos (gartenperle & striped) and some cabbage (hispi).
The new growing season has started.
When I get a moment and the weather is with me I have parsnip, spinach and broad beans to sow in the ground this month. Today is a dank, grey and foggy day not really encouraging for allotment visits. So I'm off to think about potatoes and the Guardian has an article about growing them today. I'm waiting for the potato order to come in to the allotment association ( I know I ordered international kidney and something else but what else?). I also made a spontaneous purchase of edzell blue potatoes, like a magpie I just home into the shiny things displayed on the shop shelves.
The season has indeed started! I've been down to the plot today for my first digging session, and the seed potatoes are a-chitting!
I haven't started any seeds off yet, but there are a number which can be sown this month. I didn't sow my sweet peas in autumn as some have, so I'll be sowing those this month too.
I just put young seedlings of sweet peas into vegetable bed to add colours so to speak. The seeds were sent by Gittan from Sweden. So, lets compare notes soon!! ~bangchik
NO sowing for us until March!
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