Today was seedy sunday in Trumpington, nr Cambridge. I have never been to a seed swap before and wasn't too sure what happened at them. The problem with not having many plants outlive the munching army of slugs is that we ate anything we had, rather than let it go on to produce seed that I could save and swap. What I didn't know was that I could swap unused and part used packets of seed at the event.
I turned up empty handed, despite this I left with plenty of seeds to plant. There were heritage seeds for sale and the heritage seed libary also had seeds available, I took some packets in exchange for donation.
What I have to plant are salmon flowered peas, a pea called 'poppet', dwarf french beans 'emperor of russia' and some climbing french beans 'jack edwards' from the heritage seed libary. I then got some kohl rabi 'purple vienna' and asparagus pea from Thomas Etty seeds. (All of which might become slug fodder, but if I am lucky I can save some seed for next year, I'll need to look into how to do this).
I also discovered that there is a community orchard that runs activities such as moth trapping.
I was looking forward to going to the Seed Swap, but realised that we'd still be away on holiday! Glad to see you came home with some goodies. I grew Salmon Flowered Peas last year - they look spectacular and have dozen of little pods of tasty peas all at the top of the plants - like wacky pantomime plants!
You've reminded me to get on and post my HSL seed request form!!!
Seed swaps are such a nice idea, and it sounds like you have come home with some yummy things for the veg patch.
Lets hope the slug army is smaller than last year, but given all the rain we have had - the chances are unlikely :(
An Artists Garden / Turning Year
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