Tuesday, 1 December 2009


Last year buy the time I read the Guardian family section advent had already begun. I had missed the boat. They suggested to have little envelopes with things to do in to make advent fun and it would in many cases be things you would do anyway. I thought it was a great idea. I know that Mrs Be did do this and I think it must have gone well. Are you doing it again this year?

So this year I was prepared for today. I had checked some events in the local paper. I bought envelopes and decorated them in time and tonight the first activity is done - a Santa letter. It was jam packed with the usual wild expectations of a soon to be seven year old. Nevertheless the letter is ready to post.

Other activities are as simple, a little cooking or putting up decorations etc. At this time of year there is minimal gardening that can be used for the calendar. I resisted the temptation to say that Santa won't come unless you dig the allotment. I have put in to plant an amaryllis and make some decorations from some hedgerow finds hopefully that will be enough.

Well lets get all xmastastic!


Deb said...

Hello! Yes we are doing it again this year. That's the great thing about it I reckon, once you've made it once and worked out what you're doing when, then all you have to do is drag it out of the loft each year!
Enjoy your lovely advent!


Jo said...

What a great idea. Certainly beats the chocolate advent calendars that my kids still insist I buy, even though they're 14 and 11!