Sunday 6 June 2010


I've never grown gerkins before. I planted 4 seeds as I felt that that would be enough. All germinated. I lost two plants with the cold snap and the march of the slugs into my growhouse.

The two remaining little plantlings have been separated. One has been sent to the allotment, the other remains in a pot at home (where I can keep a closer eye on it). It is not an experiment but I am interested in which one will fair better.

I think that they need to grow up a frame so the picture show the constructions that I am using. I will try to feed them at the same time. Let's see what happens.....


Deb said...

I don't fancy growing those, but am interested to see which one will do best. Hmmm, my money's on the pot one!

Damo said...

I love gherkins so I'll be interested to see how you get on.

Shaheen said...

I've never grown gherkins, so it will be good to see how they fare.