I mentally braced myself and we all went down to the patch yesterday evening after tea. With the heat of the day I thought it best to disregard the kids normal bedtimes, a family walk would do us all good.
Well things were not so bad.
- sweetcorn and leeks are doing well
- courgettes are flowering
- recently sown chard and beetroot are now little seedlings
- I have a little green tomato on some flowers on my plant (although it does not appear to be living up to its big boy name)
- kale and khol rabi seeds don't seem to be doing much germination
- my foot tall sunflower seedling (the last one standing from the intrafamily competition) has been taken out. So do we have lumberjack slugs? It appeared to have been felled then eaten. If its rabbits there is little other evidence of their activity
- Cabbage are still their but do look a little ropey. So are down for some TLC this week.
- a notice has appeared on the site about security and recent thefts of produce
We also managed to harvest some chard, some beetroot and few more broad bean pods. As I was expecting little from the visit I hadn't thought to bring anything to collect things in. So I balenced them on the buggy roof until I remembered Owen had a sand bucket in the storage box which I could use to walk them home.
What needs doing this week ( I don't know if I should post a list again but hear goes)
- plant out purple spouting brocoli and brussel sprout plants. I had to buy these yesterday to replace the ones I had grown from seed that I then killed through neglect, this last hot weekend amounted to the final nail in their coffin
- dig up the potatoes
- clear the onions
- sow another row of pak choi
- strim the weeds
With Owen for some holiday fun, another job that needs doing is to repair Scott the scarecrow and make a friend for him. We can then enter the site scarecrow competition, as we did not manage to do the marrow growing for the marrowthon.