Well tomorrow is the big day its the day by which I need to have the plot sorted according to that nasty letter I had a little while ago You can view the plot from every angle here, I took the shots tonight as evidence. Lets hope it is enough. Well what do you think, be honest, am I cultivated enough?
Will keep my all my fingers crossed for you. I was a recipient of one of those nasty letters too last year. Just how much can they expect you to have in the ground in April ?
I have to say that chatting to people near my plot, quite a few of us have had letter and someone who has had them before said to me not to worry - so that sort of feels better. So I will just carry on with my plans and hope my pace is good enough. Thank you all for your kind comments. Deb please don't have nightmares!
It certainly shows that you have put in alot of effort. I know how hard it is to clear a plot so well done.
It looks grand to me, so fingers crossed they see how hard you've worked. How 'cultivated' does it need to be for goodness sake!
When I had an allotment I went to the plot after a very stressful few weeks and my onion bed had been strimmed - Aaaaaaaagh!!!
Cultivated? You'd give Noel Coward a run for his money. Good luck! D
Or maybe I'm thinking cultured...
Will keep my all my fingers crossed for you. I was a recipient of one of those nasty letters too last year. Just how much can they expect you to have in the ground in April ?
Goodness, this letter business is even getting to me! I had a dream about your plot last night.
Anyway, it looks fine to me, you've obviously worked hard. Good luck and fingers crossed. Do you know when they're inspecting or do they just turn up?
I have to say that chatting to people near my plot, quite a few of us have had letter and someone who has had them before said to me not to worry - so that sort of feels better. So I will just carry on with my plans and hope my pace is good enough.
Thank you all for your kind comments.
Deb please don't have nightmares!
I have to know - how did it go?
How very dare they! I can understand your anger and hurt!
Your plot looks great to me!
Jobsworths the lot of them, always picking on someone else to make themselves feel better! Try and not let it get to you and be the bigger person x
Keep your chin up!!
Linzi x x x
thanks for your comments but there is no update as yet from the council but I am less worried
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